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  • BRN experimentation platform
  • Assigned to: Esther Fuhrmann, Carsten Krüger


  • Problem statement.
  • What do you want to achieve? What is NOT inside the scope of your work?
    • Our goal is to develop a platform on which one can easily perform experiments, including distribution of the experimental code, coordinated start of the experiment, switching back to a state known as working and collecting and analyzing the test results.
    • We will limit our work to small-scale indoor testing. If successful, we will think about transferring our results to large-scale and/or outdoor testing.
  • If successful, what contribution will your work make (scientific, technical)?
    • If successful, the experimentation platform will help to test new features in an easy and structured way.


  • Beate Meffert, Olaf Hochmuth - Werkzeuge der Signalverarbeitung
  • Click-Documentation, especially about Measurement and Profiling, Trace Analysis and Manipulation and Debugging


  • competing technologies, companies/research teams

Personal Knowledge Base

  • Description of your work / your approach
  • Results so far (reports, experiments downloadable software, ...)

created serial console cable

Project Plan: Working Packages

  • List of tasks, milestones with deadlines, and deliverables
  • List of tasks
    • further reading of documentation
    • collecting information about how to implement and analyze experiments in general/in other sciences (e.g. physics)
    • making ourselves familiar with the working environment, cross compiling and using click


Carsten Krüger
Esther Fuhrmann

See Also

For a list of currently available thesis topics see [1]