ARM4FS Identity Provider Integration

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Anonymous Reputation Provider (ARP) needs proof of identity in order to prohibit sybil attacks. On the other hand, user identities should not be stored on the ARP, because in case of, e.g. a raid this would compromise the users' anonymity.


Identity Provider Interaction Schema.png


  1. The user sends his authentication information along with a new public key PK1 to an identity provider. The identity provider must know either by convention or by negotiation about the set of ID features required by the system. The secret key that corresponds to PK1 will be termed SK1.
  2. After verifying the user's authentication information the identity provider hashes the previously defined set of ID features and issues an x.509 certificate containing this hash, the features used for hashing and the key PK1. This certificate is signed with the identity providers secret key IPSK. We'll call the corresponding public key IPPK. The hash certificate is sent back to the user.
  3. The user takes the hashed ID certificate and sends it to a third instance, termed the identity anonymizer. We need this instance, because the hashed ID, in conjunction with knowledge about the set of ID features allows a potential attacker to check known user identities against hash values. The user also sends a signature on this certificate using key SK1. A second public key PK2 is generated by the user and transmitted to the identity anonymizer. We could also use PK1 again, but this could possibly allow an attacker to identify the user.
  4. After verifying the hashed certificate and checking the user's signature against PK1 the identity anonymizer issues a new x.509 certificate containing a unique but random user ID along with key PK2. This certificate is sent back to the user.
  5. The user sends this certificate to the ARP, which checks the identity anonymizer's signature and uses public key PK2 for securing the connection. We do not need a signature with SK2 on the certificate, because the user proves his knowledge of it by being able to decrypt messages from the ARP.