Anonymization Layer-Reputation System protocol

Revision as of 18:46, 25 May 2006 by Mstigge (talk | contribs)
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For the communication between the Anonymization Layer and the Reputation System a simple line based protocol is used. The Reputation System acts as a TCP server and listens on port 4444. All commands are sent by the Anonymization Layer. All commands and responses end with a single newline ("\n" in C).

newuser n
A new user with index n has been added.
No response from the Reputation System.
feedback n m x
User n sent a feedback about user m with value x.
No response from the Reputation System.
kcabdeef n m x
User n previously sent a feedback about user m with value x and now wants to undo it.
No response from the Reputation System.
query n m
User n wants to query the reputation of user m.
y, the reputation value of m as seen by n
age a
Introduce ageing into all previous feedback by multiplying it with a. (Creates a moving average.)
No response from the Reputation System.
The anonymization layer wants to query the (e.g. the last n from a newuser command).
n, the .

n and m are integers from the set (with being the last n sent in a newuser command).
x is from the set
a and y are real numbers, represented with the C format string g or G (with almost arbitrary precision).