EigenTrust is an incentive system based on traffic history of each peer. Uploading data to peer A increases the reputation of peer B from peer A's perspective. The reputation between all peers can be pictured using a trustmatrix with elements . is peer j 's rank from i 's perspective related to normalized download volumes that i has received from j during a certain time period. In order to increase its local view of reputation, each peer takes into account his friends view (). Thus the coverage of the rank matrix gets larger and it becomes less sparse. Continuing this step to its extreme (), each column of consists of the same values (= EigenTrust-vector), meaning that each peer has the same global view to other peers.
A peer with large global reputation (EigenRank) gets higher download bandwidth and less latency. Moreover, peers with large EigenRank are preferred to download from.
Simulation Results
Examined in Maze-P2P-Network, EigenTrust helped to punish colluding peers by branding them with low EigenRank. However, EigenTrust leaves some room for misinterpretations. High reputation peers (super peers), which randomly download from "spam"-accounts, boost the EigenRank of these colluding peers. On the other hand, peers inside satellite clusters like university networks are unfairly punished. A university network as a whole consumes by downloading much more than it uploads. Neglecting and underestimating internal cluster traffic, EigenTrust underrates cluster peers EigenRank.