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Bash 1 - for Beginners
- login/lougout
- ssh - login at remote host
- files directories, wirking directory
- path names
- basic shell commands - cat, touch, rm, mkdir, rmdir, mv
- using wildcards to identify files
- Text Editor
- more basic commands: more, wc, grep, tail, head, find
- getting help
- redirecting stdin, stdout
- special characters (and blanks) in arguments
- alias (and .bashrc)
File Formats (a few examples)
- ASCII Text
- Markdown
- Yaml
Data Formats (in protocols)
- IPv4 header
- Tools: Wireshark
Bash 2 (Advanced)
- processes
- &
- wait
- ps
- Shell Scripts
- Shell Variables
Working With Files 1 (basics)
- diff
- patch
- sed
- awk
- md5checksum
- sh1-checksum
- tar
- rsync
- dd
Working With Files 2 (version control with git)
- git
- github
- docker
- docker compose
- kubernetes
- Jenkins
Administration Jobs
- nginx
- software packet manager
- apt-get
- pip
- conda
- cronjob / systemd
file system administration
- du
- df
- mount, umount
- format
- hdd/sdd performance monitoring tools
- fsck
- trim
- backup solutions
- Python 3
- Jupyter Notebook