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Unix-Tools - Teil 1 (für Anfänger)
Files, Directories, Working Directory
- ls
- pwd
- cd
- ls -l
- Die Verzeichnisse . und ..
Path Names
- a/b/c relativer Path
- /a/b/c absoluter Path
- usage of <TAB> when entering file names in bash
- ~/..
- /tmp/../etc/../../bin/../usr
- /usr/bin/././..
Basic Shell Commands
- cat
- touch
- rm
- mkdir
- rmdir
- mv
Using Wildcards to identify files
- echo Hello World
- echo *
- ls *
- ls *.*
- ls a*
- ls *a
- ls *a*
- rm /tmp/a*
- ls /tmp/[a-c]*
- ls /*/bin/a*
Editor - Erstellen und Bearbeiten von Text-Dateie n
- nano
- alternatives: vi, vim, nedit, emacs
more basic tools
- more
- wc
- grep
- tail
- head
- find
- Expert Tipp: grep muster $(find / -name patern -print)
Getting help
- grep --help
Redirection - part 1
redirecting output of a programm to another file
- ls /bin/a* > file.txt
- ls > /dev/null
append output to a file
- ls /bin/b* >> file.txt
let a programm take its input from a file (redirecting input)
- more < file.txt
- wc < file.txt
let the output of programm be used as input of another program
- ls -lisa /bin | more
- ls -lisa /bin | wc
Argumente mit Sonderzeichen
- touch "Good Morning"
- touch '$*()#!'
Redirection - part 2
- ls * 2> /dev/null
- ls 2>&1 | more
- << END
- alias ll='ls -lisa'
- .bashrc (erstes Kennenlernen)
Spraxche ändern
export LANG=en_US export LANGUAGE=en_US
export LANG=ru-RU export LANGUAGE=ru-RU