Java in Simulation Time

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  • Use Java 1.4 compatibility, BCel cannot handle Java 5.0
  • If more than one node use the same NetAddress, the simulation aborts prematurely without any error message.
  • All entity classes and related interfaces MUST be public.
  • JiST does not support JUnit.Workaround: Write test code without JUnit support.
  • Superclasses must be final. Otherwise the Rewriter generates invalid code (A java.verifier exception will occur). So a best practise is to mark all concrete classes as final to prevent this error.
  • Since it is a discrete simulator, it is possible to schedule more than one event at exactly one point in time. In this particular case, the execution order is not predefined.
  • Jist does not (fully) support polymorphism for implementation classes (entities), only for interfaces.
    • Workaround 1: Do not use implementation inheritance.
    • Workaround 2: Use implementation inheritance, but do not use overriding of methods.
    • Workaround 3: Use method overriding, but make sure all methods (the overridden and the overriding) are both rewritten in the same way, i.e. they are both continuable or both not.

Interesting Things



  • RadioNoiseIndep and RadioSimpleStochastic both do not implement packet collisions on radio level:

     case Constants.RADIO_MODE_RECEIVING:
       if(Main.ASSERT) Util.assertion(signals>0);
       if(power_mW >= radioInfo.shared.threshold_mW
           &&  power_mW > signalPower_mW*thresholdSNR)
         lockSignal(msg, power_mW, duration);
  • RadioNoiseAdditive implements additive superposition of radio signals and packet collisions. A signal is received only if it is stronger than thresholdSNR multiplied with the sum of the power of all other signals. Otherwise all signals are scrambled.

     case Constants.RADIO_MODE_RECEIVING:
       if(power_mW > signalPower_mW  &&  power_mW >= totalPower_mW*thresholdSNR)
         lockSignal(msg, power_mW, duration);
       else if(type == SNR  
           &&  signalPower_mW < (totalPower_mW-signalPower_mW+power_mW)*thresholdSNR)

Multi-Channel Support for JiST


RadioIf <|--- ChannelIf ---|> FieldIf
MacIf <|-- Mac802_11 <|-- MacMc802_11
   |                         |
RadioIf                      |
   |                         |
ChannelIf <|------------- Channel
  • Channels are realized through an additional channel layer
    • Has an active channel within a given set of channels
    • Discards packets on other channels
    • Delayed channel switching (only possible, when not transmitting)
    • TODO Cross-channel interference

ExOR Implementation in JiST

Frame Format

  • Data Frame
  • Acknowledgement Frame
    • 802.11 Frame Control
    • DstAddr: Data frame sender’s address
    • SrcAddr: Data frame receiver's address
    • The position within the candidate list of the node with the highest priority acknowledgment
    • 802.11 Frame Control Sequence
|                        | Mac Frame                                          |     |
| Preamble | PLCP Header | Frame Control | DstAddr | SrcAddr | Cand. ID | FCS | Pad |
Bytes                    | 2             | 6       | 6       | 1        | 4   |



McExOR in JiST

Further Information