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- USB-Token
- One-Time Password Generator
- Besitz und Wissen
- z.B.
- nPA eID(PIN + Ausweis)
- Online-Banking
- iTAN (Passwort + TAN-Liste)
- ChipTAN (Passwort + EC-Karte)
- smsTAN (Passwort + SIM-Karte)
Yubikey: OTP als Nachweis für den Besitz eines bestimmten Tokens.
One-Time Passwords
- generell
- moving factor MF: z.B. counter, timestamp
- secret S
- otp = f(S, MF)
- konkret
- Yubikey OTP
- OATH - Initiative for open authentication
- HOTP HMAC-Based One-time Password Algorithm (RFC 4226)
- TOTP Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (RFC 6238)
- OCRA OATH Challenge Response Algorithm (RFC 6287)
- secret: 128-bit AES key
- moving factor: (3) Counter
- session counter (16 bit)
- session use counter (8 bit)
- timestamp (24 bit)
- public id (48 bit)
- private id (48 bit)
internal id s.count timestamp s.use random crc ccff5e92d4e8 0003 275ab5 01 ead3 e90e \ \ | / / / ccff5e92d4e80300b55a2701d3ea0ee9 | aes_encrypt(S) public id | ffda638233c7 1cd02dd852d50fbb5acb4c6808062625 \ | ffda638233c71cd02dd852d50fbb5acb4c6808062625 | modhex_encode() | vvtlhejdeeribrtcdttjgdtgcvnnglrnfrhjcjchdhdg
Validation Protocol
- Validierung der OTPs übernimmt ein Validation Server der via HTTP ansprechbar ist
- http://code.google.com/p/yubikey-val-server-php/wiki/ValidationProtocolV20
- Entschlüsselung des OTP mit shared secret
- CRC-Check
- Internal-ID
- Counter
- Zeitdifferenz der timestamps ("phishing check")
vvtlhejdeeribrtcdttjgdtgcvnnglrnfrhjcjchdhdg | modhex_decode() | ffda638233c71cd02dd852d50fbb5acb4c6808062625 / \ ffda638233c7 1cd02dd852d50fbb5acb4c6808062625 public id | aes_decrypt(K) | ccff5e92d4e80300b55a2701d3ea0ee9 | ccff5e92d4e8 0003 275ab5 01 ead3 e90e internal id s.count timestamp s.use rand crc
- moving factor: 64-bit counter C
- secret: 128-bit HMAC key K
- >= 6 Ziffern
- Verkürzen der MAC auf d Ziffern
- 31-bit Zahl x exrahieren
index = mac[19] & 0xf; x = mac[index] << 24 | mac[index+1] << 16 | mac[index+2] << 8 | mac[index+3]; x &= 0x7fffffff;
- otp = x mod 10^d
- ?
- lookahead: akzeptiere
- 6 Ziffern 20 bits. mit lookahead = 8 17 bits
- Serverseitiges throttling um Brute-Force Angriffe zu erschweren
- HOTP mit zeitbasiertem Counter
- : Startzeit (unix time)
- : time step
- Generalisierung/Erweiterung von HOTP/TOTP
- (mutual) challenge-response
- SHA1 nicht fest verdrahtet
- nicht wirklich verbreitet
- Problem: wie bekommt man die Challenge in das Token?
ORCA CryptoFunction
- OCRA = CryptoFunction(K, DataInput)
- CryptoFunction = HOTP-H-n
- SHA-1, SHA256, SHA512
- n - Anzahl der Ziffern 4-10 oder 0 (= keiner Verkürzung)
- DataInput = OCRASuite | 00 | C | Q | P | S | T
- OCRASuite - mode of operation
- C - Counter (optional)
- Q - Challenge
- P - hashed password/pin (optional)
- S - session information (optional)
- T - timestamp (optional)
ORCA Suites
- OCRASuite = 'Algorithm:CryptoFunction:DataInput'
- "OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA512-8:C-QN08-PSHA1"
- OCRA-1: OCRA Version 1
- HOTP-SHA512-8: HTOP mit SHA512 verkürzt auf 8 Ziffern
- C-QN08-PSHA1:
- C: mit counter
- QN08: numerische Challenge bis zu 8 Ziffern
- PSHA1: SHA1 des Passworts
- "OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-6:QA10-T1M"
- OCRA-1: OCRA Version 1
- HOTP-SHA256-6: HTOP mit SHA256 verkürzt auf 6 Ziffern
- QA10-T1M:
- QA10: alphanumerische Challenge bis zu 10 Zeichen.
- T1M: Timestamp Counter (time step = 1 minute)
Challenge Response Protokoll
CLIENT SERVER (PROVER) VERIFIER) | | | Verifier sends challenge to prover | | Challenge = Q | |<---------------------------------------| | | | Prover Computes Response | | R = OCRA(K, {[C] | Q | [P | S | T]}) | | Prover sends Response = R | |--------------------------------------->| | | | Verifier Validates Response | | If Response is valid, Server sends OK | | If Response is not, Server sends NOK | |<---------------------------------------| | |
Mututal Challenge Response Protokoll
CLIENT SERVER (PROVER) (VERIFIER) | | | 1. Client sends client-challenge | | QC = Client-challenge | |------------------------------------------------->| | | | 2. Server computes server-response | | and sends server-challenge | | RS = OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T]) | | QS = Server-challenge | | Response = RS, QS | |<-------------------------------------------------| | | | 3. Client verifies server-response | | and computes client-response | | OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T]) != RS -> STOP | | RC = OCRA(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P | S | T]) | | Response = RC | |------------------------------------------------->| | | | 4. Server verifies client-response | | OCRA(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P|S|T]) != RC -> STOP | | Response = OK | |<-------------------------------------------------| | |