For simulations the ns network simulator from Lawrence Berkles National Laboratory was used, with extensions from the MONARCH project at Carnegie Mellon
Extensions include a set of mobile ad hoc network routing protocols, an implementation of BSDs ARP protocol, an 802.11 MAC Layer, a radio propagation model and mechanisms to model node mobility using pre-computed mobility patterns that are fed to the simulation at run time
No modifications were made to the simulator (accept minor bug fixes that were necessary)
All results based on a network configuration consisting of TCP-Reno over IP on an 802.11 wireless network, with routing provided by the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol and BSDs ARP protocol (used to resolve IP adresses to MAC adresses)
Objective was to observe TCPs performance in the presence of mobility inducted failures in a plausible network environment, for which any of the proposed mobile wireless ad hoc routing protocols would have sufficed
Network model consists of 30 nodes in 1500x300 meter flat, rectangular area
Nodes move according to random waypoint mobility model
In random waypoint model each node x picks a random destination and speed in the area and travels to destination in straight line
Once x arrives, it pauses, picks another destination and goes on
No pause, so every node is always in moving
All nodes communicate with identical half duplex wireless radios, which are modeld after 802.11 based Wave Lan wireless radios, with a bandwith of 2Mbps and nominal transmission radius of 250m
TCP packet size was 1460bytes, maximum window was eight packets
All simulation results based on average throughput of 50 scenarios or patterns
Each pattern, generated randomly, designates the initial placement and heading of each of the nodes over simulated time
Used same pattern for different mean speeds
For a given pattern at different speeds, same sequence of movements (and link failures) occur
Speed of each node is uniformly distributed in an interval of 0,9v - 1,1v for some mean speed v