Wireless Link Quality Measurements
Assigned to: Moritz Grauel, Mathias Naber
Advisor: Mathias Kurth
Expected Submission: December 2007
Problem Statement
Our work is related to wireless-network-communication (e.g. mesh-networks) and slightly touches radio-frequency-issues also (e.g. physical behaviour of radio-waves).
Entering the relatively new and still not wide-spread 900MHz WLAN, we make use of an WLAN-device named "Ubiquity SR 900". We have do evaluate these devices and make some basic measurements, then we want to compare these results to the "well known" WLAN-frequencies in the ISM-band (2.4GHz and 5GHz).
Our plan is to develop a modular framework which allows easy measurement of wireless links independent from used hardware.
Prior Art
There was a lot of research about 2.4GHz and 5GHz WLANs which explored neary everything. It showed, the used frequency isn't ideal for the desired task.
At this moment, the new 900MHz is still not widespread and shows some great potential.
Key Ideas / Project Execution Plan
- paper-work
Project Log
- tried some different MadWifi-drivers - basic ping measurements (packet loss, round trip time, ...)