BRN:Software:Build and Distribution:SDE
If you have built your toolchain, it may be nice to reuse the same toolchain on other machines or to share it with other developers.
Creating a Standard Development Environemnt
To realise this, create a container for the directory buildroot and copy the necessary files into it. You can choose between a tarball or filesystem image, which can be loop mounted into your running Linux development machine.
To create a tarball with all binaries and include files, run:
$ tar czf sde-wgt-toolchain.tar.gz openwgt-dev/buildroot/build_mipsel/staging_dir
The tarball will created as sde-wgt-toolchain.tar.gz.
To extract it, run:
$ TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/sde-wgt-toolchain # or any other location, you prefer $ mkdir -p $TOOLCHAIN_PATH $ tar xzf sde-wgt-toolchain.tar.gz -C $TOOLCHAIN_PATH --no-same-owner
FS Image
If you choose this option you have to select a filesystem, that will contain your toolchain later. I suggest to use cramfs. Cramfs supports encryption and you do not need to create a block device image. Additionally the contents of this image become read-only status later and protected against modifications.
Create the directory structure:
$ mkdir -p toolchain/openwgt-dev/buildroot/build_mipsel
Move your staging_dir directory:
$ mv openwgt-dev/buildroot/build_mipsel/staging_dir toolchain/openwgt-dev/buildroot/build_mipsel
Finally create the cramfs image (util-linux package):
$ /sbin/mkfs.cramfs -E toolchain sde-wgt-toolchain.cramfs
TODO -> Mount-Hinweise