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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams; namespace ReverseProxy { class HandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory { ReverseProxy reverseProxy; public IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, String url, String pathTranslated) { if (url.EndsWith("logon.aspx")) return System.Web.UI.PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance(url, pathTranslated, context); else return ReverseProxy; } public void ReleaseHandler(IHttpHandler handler) { } public ReverseProxy ReverseProxy { get { if (reverseProxy == null) reverseProxy = new ReverseProxy(); return reverseProxy; } } } public class ReverseProxy: IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState { const int MaximumRedirections = 0; string backEndSite { get { return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["BackEndSite"]; } } string convertBackEndToFrontEndHtml(string html, string frontEndServerName, string frontEndVirtualPath, string backEndSite) { /* prepend frontEndVirtualPath to fix up relative urls as follows: (avoiding "value=" tokens which are most likely html input text boxes) href="/targetPath" -> href="/frontEndVirtualPath/targetPath" href='/targetPath' -> href="/frontEndVirtualPath/targetPath" (handle single quoted urls too) */ html = Regex.Replace(html, "(?<!value=)(?:\"|')/(\\S*?)(?:\"|')", "\"" + frontEndVirtualPath + "/" + "$1" + "\"", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); /* also fixup url references in css as follows: style="background-image: url(/targetPath/myimage.gif)" -> style="background-image: url(/frontEndVirtualPath/targetPath/myimage.gif)" */ html = Regex.Replace(html, @"(?:url\()/(\S*?)(?:\))", "url(" + frontEndVirtualPath + "/" + "$1)", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); /* also fixup absolute urls and absolute encoded urls as follows: http://backEndSite/targetPath/images/myimage.gif --> http://frontEndServerName/frontEndVirtualPath/targetPath/images/myimage.gif */ html = Regex.Replace(html, backEndSite, frontEndServerName + frontEndVirtualPath, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); html = Regex.Replace(html, HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(backEndSite), HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(frontEndServerName + frontEndVirtualPath), RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); /* also fixes up strings with "src" and any other token to the left of the equal sign as follows: src=/ -> src=frontEndVirtualPath/ */ html = html.Replace("=/","=" + frontEndVirtualPath + "/"); return html; } void convertBackEndToFrontEndResponse(HttpWebResponse backEndResponse, HttpRequest frontEndRequest, HttpResponse frontEndResponse) { try { Stream backEndResponseStream = getStream(backEndResponse); write("Content Type of response is [" + backEndResponse.ContentType + "]"); frontEndResponse.ContentType = backEndResponse.ContentType; foreach(Cookie each in backEndResponse.Cookies) { if (frontEndResponse.Cookies[each.Name] != null) frontEndResponse.Cookies.Remove(each.Name); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(each.Name, each.Value); if (each.Domain.IndexOf('.') != -1) // Add domain only if it is dotted - IE doesn't send back the cookie if we set the domain otherwise cookie.Domain = frontEndRequest.Url.Host; cookie.Expires = each.Expires; cookie.Path = each.Path; cookie.Secure = each.Secure; frontEndResponse.Cookies.Add(cookie); } if ((backEndResponse.ContentType.ToLower().IndexOf("html") >= 0) || (backEndResponse.ContentType.ToLower().IndexOf("javascript")>=0)) { StreamReader backEndResponseStreamReader = new StreamReader(backEndResponseStream, Encoding.Default); string backEndResponseHtml = backEndResponseStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); write("********* Start of Raw Backend Response *********"); write(backEndResponseHtml); write("********* End of Raw Backend Response / Start of Converted Frontend Response *********"); try { string frontEndHtml = convertBackEndToFrontEndHtml(backEndResponseHtml, frontEndRequest.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority), frontEndRequest.ApplicationPath, backEndSite); write(frontEndHtml); write("********* End of Converted Frontend Response *********"); frontEndResponse.ContentEncoding = encodingFor(backEndResponse.ContentEncoding); write("Content Encoding for response is [" + frontEndResponse.ContentEncoding.ToString() + "]"); frontEndResponse.Write(frontEndHtml); } finally { backEndResponseStreamReader.Close(); } } else { write("Sending opaque content back without modification"); if (backEndResponse.ContentEncoding.Length > 0) { write("Content Encoding for response is [" + backEndResponse.ContentEncoding + "]"); frontEndResponse.AppendHeader("Content-Encoding", backEndResponse.ContentEncoding); } copyStream(backEndResponseStream, frontEndResponse.OutputStream); } } finally { write("End processing of request"); backEndResponse.Close(); frontEndResponse.End(); } } Uri convertFrontEndToBackEndUrl(Uri frontEndUrl, string frontEndVirtualPath, string backEndSite) { return new Uri(Regex.Replace(frontEndUrl.AbsoluteUri, frontEndUrl.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + frontEndVirtualPath, backEndSite, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); } void copyStream(Stream input, Stream output) { Byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytes = 0; while( (bytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, 1024) ) > 0 ) output.Write(buffer, 0, bytes); } HttpWebRequest createProxyRequest(HttpRequest originalRequest, Uri uri, string method) { HttpWebRequest proxyRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); proxyRequest.Timeout = 3600000; // 1 hour max wait time for request to complete proxyRequest.ContentType = originalRequest.ContentType; proxyRequest.UserAgent = originalRequest.UserAgent; proxyRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); foreach(String each in originalRequest.Headers) { if (!WebHeaderCollection.IsRestricted(each)) proxyRequest.Headers.Add(each, originalRequest.Headers.Get(each)); } proxyRequest.Method = method; if (method == "POST" && originalRequest.ContentLength > 0) { write("Sending POST data"); Stream outputStream = proxyRequest.GetRequestStream(); copyStream(originalRequest.InputStream, outputStream); outputStream.Close(); } proxyRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null && HttpContext.Current.Session.Count == 2) { write("Sending basic logon credentials stored in session"); // if we performed basic auth via this reverse proxy and the userid / passwd are stored in the current session then use these auth credentials proxyRequest.PreAuthenticate = true; proxyRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"].ToString(), HttpContext.Current.Session["passwd"].ToString()); } else if(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { // user is already authenticated, therefore use the current ticket when accessing backend server -- should work with both Basic & NTLM auth write("Sending current authentication ticket that is already in place with backend"); proxyRequest.PreAuthenticate = true; proxyRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } return proxyRequest; } Encoding encodingFor(string codeName) { try { return Encoding.GetEncoding(codeName); } catch(Exception) { return Encoding.Default; } } Stream getStream(HttpWebResponse response) { Stream compressedStream = null; if (response.ContentEncoding == "gzip") { write("Decompressing gzipped response"); compressedStream = new GZipInputStream(response.GetResponseStream()); } else if (response.ContentEncoding == "deflate") { write("Decompressing deflated response"); compressedStream = new InflaterInputStream(response.GetResponseStream()); } if (compressedStream != null) { MemoryStream decompressedStream = new MemoryStream(); int size = 2048; byte[] writeData = new byte[2048]; while (true) { size = compressedStream.Read(writeData, 0, size); if (size > 0) decompressedStream.Write(writeData,0,size); else break; } decompressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return decompressedStream; } else return response.GetResponseStream(); } bool isRedirection(HttpStatusCode code) { string statusCode = Enum.Format(typeof(HttpStatusCode), code, "d"); return statusCode.StartsWith("3"); } public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } string methodToUse(HttpRequest originalRequest, HttpWebResponse response) { if (response == null) { write("Request is a " + originalRequest.HttpMethod); return originalRequest.HttpMethod; } if (originalRequest.HttpMethod == "POST" && (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.RedirectKeepVerb || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect)) { write("Request is a POST"); return "POST"; } else { write("Request is a GET"); return "GET"; } } string parseRealm(string authHeader) { Regex regex = new Regex(".*=\\\"(.*)\""); Match match = regex.Match(authHeader); if (match.Success) return match.Groups[1].Value; else return ""; } public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest frontEndRequest = context.Request; HttpResponse frontEndResponse = context.Response; Uri frontEndUrl = frontEndRequest.Url; write("Receiving request for [" + frontEndUrl.AbsoluteUri + "]"); Uri backEndUrl = convertFrontEndToBackEndUrl(frontEndUrl, frontEndRequest.ApplicationPath, backEndSite); write("Converting request to [" + backEndUrl.AbsoluteUri + "]"); HttpWebRequest proxyRequest = null; HttpWebResponse backEndResponse = null; try { int timesRedirected = 0; do { proxyRequest = createProxyRequest(frontEndRequest, backEndUrl, methodToUse(frontEndRequest, backEndResponse)); if (frontEndRequest.UrlReferrer != null) { Uri backEndReferUrl = convertFrontEndToBackEndUrl(frontEndRequest.UrlReferrer, frontEndRequest.ApplicationPath, backEndSite); proxyRequest.Referer = backEndReferUrl.AbsoluteUri; } foreach(string each in frontEndRequest.Cookies) { HttpCookie requestCookie = frontEndRequest.Cookies[each]; Cookie cookie = new Cookie(requestCookie.Name, requestCookie.Value); if (requestCookie.Domain == null) cookie.Domain = backEndUrl.Host; cookie.Expires = requestCookie.Expires; cookie.Path = requestCookie.Path; cookie.Secure = requestCookie.Secure; proxyRequest.CookieContainer.Add(cookie); } write("Sending request to backend and getting response"); backEndResponse = proxyRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; write("Status code of response is [" + backEndResponse.StatusCode.ToString() + "]"); if (isRedirection(backEndResponse.StatusCode)) { timesRedirected++; String newLocation = backEndResponse.Headers["Location"]; if(newLocation.IndexOf("://") == -1) newLocation = backEndUrl.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + newLocation; backEndUrl = new Uri(newLocation); write("Being redirected to [" + backEndUrl.AbsoluteUri + "]"); } if (!isRedirection(backEndResponse.StatusCode) || timesRedirected >= MaximumRedirections) { if (timesRedirected >= MaximumRedirections) warn("Exceeded maximum redirections"); break; } } while (true); } catch(System.Net.WebException webException) { HttpWebResponse webResponse = webException.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (webResponse != null) { if (webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { string realm = parseRealm(webResponse.GetResponseHeader("WWW-AUTHENTICATE")); warn("Unauthorized...redirecting to logon page"); frontEndResponse.Redirect(frontEndRequest.ApplicationPath + "/logon.aspx?Realm=" + context.Server.UrlEncode(realm) + "&ReturnUrl=" + context.Server.UrlEncode(frontEndUrl.PathAndQuery)); return; } frontEndResponse.StatusCode = (int)webResponse.StatusCode; frontEndResponse.StatusDescription = webResponse.StatusDescription; } if (webException.Response == null) { frontEndResponse.Write("<p>" + webException.Status + "</p>"); frontEndResponse.Write("<p>" + webException.Message + "</p>"); } else { frontEndResponse.ContentType = webException.Response.ContentType; Stream responseStream = webException.Response.GetResponseStream(); copyStream(responseStream, frontEndResponse.OutputStream); responseStream.Close(); } warn(webException.Message, webException); warn("Abnormal end to processing of request"); frontEndResponse.End(); return; } switch((int) backEndResponse.StatusCode) { case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: frontEndResponse.StatusCode = (int) backEndResponse.StatusCode; string newLocation = backEndResponse.Headers["Location"]; newLocation = Regex.Replace(newLocation, backEndSite, frontEndRequest.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + frontEndRequest.ApplicationPath, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); frontEndResponse.RedirectLocation = newLocation; break; } convertBackEndToFrontEndResponse(backEndResponse, frontEndRequest, frontEndResponse); } [Conditional("TRACE")] void warn(string message) { StackTrace stack = new StackTrace(1, true); StackFrame frame = stack.GetFrame(0); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn(frame.GetMethod().Name, message); } [Conditional("TRACE")] void warn(string message, Exception exception) { StackTrace stack = new StackTrace(1, true); StackFrame frame = stack.GetFrame(0); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn(frame.GetMethod().Name, message, exception); } [Conditional("TRACE")] void write(string message) { StackTrace stack = new StackTrace(1, true); StackFrame frame = stack.GetFrame(0); HttpContext.Current.Trace.Write(frame.GetMethod().Name, message); } } }