Description of the BerlinRoofNet repository
The repository of the BerlinRoofNet project is located at svn:// You can also use the web interface unter to get a first expression.
The structures is as follows (starting at BerlinRoofNet):
- trunk
- tags
- branches
In the trunk folder you find the current version. Later we will point out the things to consider, when working with this it. The tags folder keeps released versions. These are releases known to work. Taking a release from there may be a good starting point, if you have trouble getting trunk to work. The branches folder keeps versions separated from trunk to develop major features.
The trunk is always the most recent version. You find a short discription of each folder in parentheses.
- trunk
- click (Everything referring to click)
- click-core (Click framework based on /click/release/one [1])
- configurations (click configurations files running on our mesh nodes (*.click, *.kclick, *.nsclick))
- main (main configuration for our mesh nodes)
- misc (other click scripts, we may use for testing)
- packages (packages we developed)
- arp (Robert's ARP implementation using dht) TODO
- brn (mainly our dsr => we should separate this package more fine-grained)
- dhcp (Robert's DHCP implementation using dht) TODO
- dht (Robert's dht) TODO
- gateway (Jens' gateway using dht)
- sdp (Bernhard's SDP) TODO
- madwifi (contains the different madwifi drivers)
- platform (Everything referring to platforms we support, e.g. toolchains, kernels)
- wgt634u (Netgear WGT634U)
- linux-kernel-2.6.12-rc3
- meshnode (Saxonia NETWORKS's meshnode)
- linux-
- wgt634u (Netgear WGT634U)
- simulation (Everything referring to simulations)
- ns2 (The network simulator)
- ns-2.29 (The version 2.29)
- ns-2.29-click (ns-2.29 patched to embed click)
- ns-2.29-click-scheduler (ns-2.29-click patched with scheduler patch)
- JiST+SWANS (The JiST simulator) TODO
- JiST+SWANS??? (the basic version)
- Jist+SWANS-MCExOR (Implementation of MCExOR)
- ns2 (The network simulator)
- tools (Tools needed for whole BerlinRoofNet)
- CruiseControl (CruiseControl configuration files)
- click (Everything referring to click)
As already mentioned, released version are just tags, you find in the tags folder.
Things to consider, when working with trunk:
- Always commit compiling sources (Others don't like fixing your errors).
When working on click please comsider the following things:
- The click configurations found in click/configurations/main should run on any node (both kernel and userlevel) (and in ns2)
You find a shell script in BerlinRoofNet called, which checkouts a toolchain and the trunk from the repository. (The toolchains needs to be added)