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EDIM - An Earthquake Disaster Information System for Marmara

Objective of the EDIM project is to develop an earthquake disaster information system for the Marmara region in Turkey. The already existing Istanbul Early Warning System is extended in terms of area, methodology and data transmission. Novel technologies in seismology, structural engineering, and information technology are developed and tested. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Partners: GFZ Potsdam, Universität Karlsruhe, KOERI, CEDIM
Roadmap: The project started April 2007

Research Opportunities

This is a list of possible topics for scientific work ("Dissertationen", "Diplom"- or "Studienarbeiten"). Some tasks are also more engineering like and more suitable for "Studienarbeiten". This list is to be extended and will always be work in progress. It ranges from more or less brain-storming to more concrete ideas:

Priority-Based Wireless Medium Access

Standard 802.11 DCF does neither support service differentiation nor fairness. Various algorithm and protocols have been developed that support QoS in wireless networks; however, most of them have never been actually implemented. One exception is the EDCA, which is part of 802.11e: It supports four different priority levels, but has various limitations in the context of mesh networks.

The SoftMAC project allows the implementation of different medium access algorithms using standard Atheros hardware. Goal of the project is to test various proposed algorithms in a real testbed, and develop new ones.

Links & Literature:
SoftMAC Project Homepage
A Survey of MAC Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks

Time Synchronization in Multi-hop Networks

Geo monitoring applications often require knowledge about the exact time a measurement is recorded. Goal of the project is to evaluate current approaches to time synchronisation in distributed multi-hop networks. Aim is to achieve high precision (10 msec max deviation) combined with low overhead, using standard 802.11 hardware. In a first step only pair-wise synchronization will be studied, adding network wide synchronization later on. The example application of the study is the SAFER project, where some of the GPS receivers will have no connection.

Research Questions to be answered:

  • Do we achieve higher precision when pushing the timestamp functionality down the network stack (e.g. by embedding it in the mac layer)?
  • Can we profit from the high precision timer & synchronization in the 802.11 hardware?

Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005

Geographical Routing

All nodes have a GPS receiver (and will be located in the Marmara region according to the geological fault zone). Therefore their position is known. This make it possible to employ a routing mechanism based on geographical data / coordinates.

Distributed Backup over Wifi

The Wireless Nodes do also take care of longterm storage (5 to 7 days) of seismological data. Due to the nature of earth quakes, one or several nodes could be destroyed and with them their data when an an earth quake happens (and the ones nearest to the quake with the most interesting data are the most vulnerable ones; and their data cannot be examined later). To solve the problem there could be a backup system distributed over several nodes. Possible problems:

  • High amounts of data (each node produces 4 MB per hour)
  • backup traffic must be very low priority, because an earth quake can always happen (early warning detections)

Archiving system with MiniSeed export

The nodes have mainly two tasks:

  1. early warning detections of earth quakes
  2. archiving the data and export it in MiniSeed format

For the second part there already exists the SeisComP system, which needs to be ported to OpenWrt and a plugin needs to be created for the Sensorboard.

See also:

This task could also be split up into more sections.

Simulator coupling

In the SAFER project we use three different simulators: A home-made simulator for the sensor data analysis, ODEMx for the distributed event algorithms and ns-2 for the wireless part. How to couple these simulators (especially ns-2 and the home-made simulator) is still an open issue.

Analysis of Atheros & Linux WiFi Behaviour

The simulation of wireless networks is based on assumptions about the timing behaviour of each component. However, that very much depends on the hardware & software used. The goal of this project is to evaluate the timing behaviour of both the Atheros hardware, the device driver and the 802.11 stack used in the SAFER and EDIM projects. One result could be a ns-2 simulation of the components.